Community Life

Community Worship

The Baha'i Community usually meets in each other's homes for their monthly worship service called 'Feast.'  Feast is a cozy event where the Friends gather together in fellowship.  It includes a spiritual portion where the Friends pray, read the Holy Writings, play music and sing; followed by an administrative discussion; and closing with fellowship where bonds of friendship are strengthened.  

Community Service

Baha'is work with other like-minded groups and organizations to foster a spirit of unity and service in the community.

These projects can include activities such as helping in food pantries, environmental clean-up, race unity events, etc.

Children's Classes

Young children meet to learn about God and the virtues that He has endowed us with.  Virtues such as patience, kindness, truthfulness, etc.  are explored through art, music, simple readings, prayers and learning to work together to accomplish a common goal.

Junior Youth Groups

Young teens meet to learn what it means to be empowered and to make positive changes in the world by serving others.


Devotionals are often interfaith devotions where all religions are welcomed to pray with joy and love to God.

Deepenings & Firesides

A fireside is an informal discussion about a specific spiritual topic of interest to someone seeking to learn more about the Baha'i Faith.

A deepening is an in-depth study and discussion of a Baha'i book or a specific area of interest.


There is no clergy in the Baha'i Faith.

The affairs of the local community are managed by the Local Spiritual Assembly which consists of nine individuals from the community who are elected on an annual basis.  These individuals consult with each other in a spirit of humble servitude on a regular basis.

Each country has their own National Spiritual Assembly which are nine individuals elected each year by representatives from throughout the country.

The Universal House of Justice manages the affairs of the Faith on a global scale.  Members of the Universal House of Justice are elected and serve five-year terms.